Publicat al Web de la Presidència alemanya de Cordis el 2 de gener de 2007
Welcome to the CORDIS Web service of the German Council Presidency (January – June 2007)
During the first half of 2007, Germany will have the Council Presidency of the European Union.
Germany is determined to use the opportunity offered by the EU Council Presidency to promote European Research and Development actively in cooperation with the European Parliament, the European Commission and the other member states of the European Union.
The Lisbon Strategy, the 3%-target, and the goal to strengthen the European Research Area provide a starting point from which we seek to drive forward relevant European issues with long-lasting effect. Furthermore, we would like research to make a contribution to Europe’s future in the context of the debate concerning the EU constitution and European enlargement.
The German Council Presidency will coincide with the launch of the Seventh Research Framework Programme (FP7) which will contain substantial innovations such as the first-time funding of Security Research and a full opening-up of the Research Framework Programme to cooperation with third countries. Furthermore, the establishment of the European Research Council (ERC), which aims to promote basic research, will open a new chapter in European research funding.
Against this background, the German Council Presidency intends to provide lasting impetus and obtain concrete results within the framework of legislative measures and initiatives by taking decisions with a long-term impact.
The German Council Presidency will be faced with a number of research policy and legal decisions of considerable importance, such as on the promotion of joint programmes of member states in accordance with Article 169 EC-Treaty and on Joint Technology Initiatives (Article 171 EC-Treaty). Both represent important legislative measures both with regard to Germany’s national High-Tech Strategy and for strengthening the European Research Area.
The German Council Presidency will underline the significance of the management of intellectual property. Improving the exploitation of research results and preventing the loss of knowledge are major issues in the context of global competition. For this reason, Germany will launch an initiative for a Charter on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) at public research institutions and institutions of higher education.
In view of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the European Community in 2007 and the revival of the constitutional process in Europe, this programme shall serve to give new momentum to societal development in Europe through education and research.
Dr. Annette Schavan
Federal Minister of Education and Research
Noves polítiques
La implantació amb rigor i qualitat de noves polítiques que afavoreixen el coneixement i la recerca és certament una bona notícia. Catalunya, però i per desgràcia, no és Alemanya. Segurament seria bo per a Catalunya una revisió a fons de tot el nostre edifici universitari i de recerca per tal que poguéssim realment beneficiar-nos, com a país, de mesures com aquesta.
Tens raó Margarida, però sempre és bo que qui està al capdamunt i té capacitat d’impulsar ho faci. La presidència alemanya és una oportunitat. Cal que nosaltres la sapiguem aprofitar.