Enric I. Canela
Andrei Hagiu, professor assistent d’Estratègia a la Harvard Business School, ha publicat avui en Working Knowledge for leaders de l’esmentada Escola un interessant article sobre el programari lliure titulat: Proprietary vs. Open Two-Sided Platforms and Social Efficiency.
El resum executiu diu:
The rising popularity of the open-source software movement has prompted many governments around the world to enact policies promoting open-source software systems at the expense of proprietary systems. Oftentimes, these policies seem to stem from a presumption (shared by some economists) that open software platforms are inherently more efficient than their proprietary counterparts. But is that so? This paper provides a simple model of two-sided platforms that clearly shows how this common intuition breaks down in two-sided markets. Key concepts include:
- Proprietary platforms may induce higher levels of product variety, user adoption, and total social welfare than open platforms.
- Proprietary platforms are sometimes more socially desirable than open platforms, which runs against the common intuition that open platforms are more efficient.
- Analysis of socially desirable benefits in two-sided markets follows a very different logic from that in one-sided markets, and may lead to counterintuitive conclusions. More in-depth research on the subtler aspects of platform governance in two-sided markets (cooperatives, associations, etc.) should inform both policymakers and business practitioners.
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