Enric I. Canela
Podeu llegir, gràcies a una recomanació, a Wikipedia l’article sobre la Dra. Carme Chacón. Sempres he cregut que és un error de comunicació, però caldria que ho endrecessin.
Carme Chacón Piqueras (Esplugues de Llobregat, Barcelona, March 13, 1971) is a Spanish politician.
She is bachelor and doctor in Law from the University of Barcelona, and she did postgraduate study at Osgoode Hall Law School (Toronto), the University of Kingston and the University of Montreal. She works as a Professor of Constitutional Laws and Secretary of Education, Culture and Research in the Executive Commission of Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party.
Chacón is a member of the PSC and PSOE. She was a PSOE member of parliament for Barcelona in the 7th and 8th legislatures, the vice-president of the Spanish Congress of Deputies (Lower House) in José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero‘s legislature and she was later named minister of Housing after María Antonia Trujillo.
Deu ser doctora per la Universidad de Roldán…
Molt fi. Allà fan franquícies.