Enric I. Canela
Publicava l’altre dia 3cat24.cat que El cervell aprèn dels èxits i no dels fracassos, segons un estudi neurològic en micos. Feia referència a un treball publicat a la revista Neuron 8 Neuron. 2009 Jul 30;63(2):244-53) i comentat també a la mateixa revista (Neuron. 2009 Jul 30;63(2):146-8). Diu el comentari:
Neuronal activity observed in response to trial outcome is hypothesized to drive learning and performance adjustment. The study by Histed et al. in this issue of Neuron observes persistent outcome-related neuronal activity lasting until the subsequent trial in both prefrontal cortex and the caudate nucleus which is correlated with behavioral adjustment.
El resum de l’article diu:
Learning from experience requires knowing whether a past action resulted in a desired outcome. The prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia are thought to play key roles in such learning of arbitrary stimulus-response associations. Previous studies have found neural activity in these areas, similar to dopaminergic neurons’ signals, that transiently reflect whether a response is correct or incorrect. However, it is unclear how this transient activity, which fades in under a second, influences actions that occur much later. Here, we report that single neurons in both areas show sustained, persistent outcome-related responses. Moreover, single behavioral outcomes influence future neural activity and behavior: behavioral responses are more often correct and single neurons more accurately discriminate between the possible responses when the previous response was correct. These long-lasting signals about trial outcome provide a way to link one action to the next and may allow reward signals to be combined over time to implement successful learning.
D’alguna manera el nostre cervell respon als estímuls que creen satisfacció. D’alguna manera aquell que sap ensenyar entén que és el plaer produït per haver superat un obstacle, l’èxit, el que ajuda a la superació. El que ens ensenya la Bioquímica és que ens movem per recompensa o per plaer. Qualsevol acció que provoqui plaer, genera recompensa i és aquesta recompensa la que modifica la nostra química cerebral.