Enric I. Canela
Ahir escrivia El KIC InnoLife a la UB, amb l’alegria d’aquesta gran notícia. Recullo ara el començament de la nota feta avui per la League of European Research Universities (LERU) (LERU universities kick-start the new KICs).
Active and healthy ageing and raw materials exploitation are important innovation challenges for Europe.
LERU congratulates its member universities participating in the winning bids of the new EIT KICs. No fewer than six LERU universities are core partners in the EIT Health KIC: the Universities of Barcelona (Spain), Heidelberg (Germany), Imperial College London (UK), Oxford (UK), KU Leuven (Belgium) and UPMC (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris-France). In the Raw Materials KIC four LERU universities are involved: the Universities of Leiden (Netherlands), Lund (Sweden), Imperial College London (UK) and KU Leuven (Belgium). In addition, some of the co-location centres, the hubs around which the KICs are built, will be situated in Barcelona, Heidelberg, London and Paris for the Health KIC and in Leuven for the Raw Materials KIC.
No hi ha dubte que ser a la LERU té enormes avantatges. La feina s’ha de fer bé, però millor fer-la bé amb bons socis. No està a la LERU qui vol. Potser alguns dels nostres conciutadans no valoren prou el que és i representa la UB.
Felicitats des de la URV.
Moltes gràcies.