Enric I. Canela
Un informe recent de Coffee and Health confirma el que fa temps que vinc defensant en base a diversos estudis publicats i en contra del que una gran part de la classe mèdica protocol·làriament diu: Cinc tasses de cafè al dia redueixen en més del 20% el risc cardiovascular.
El treball de referència és: The good things in life: can coffee protect against the risk of CVD mortality? Les conclusions són: Recent research supports the view that moderate coffee consumption at approximately 3 – 5 cups per day may have a protective effect against CVD mortality risk. The mechanisms of action behind the associations are unclear, however areas of interest for future research include the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of coffee, and the known association between coffee consumption and type 2 diabetes risk reduction as CVD mortality is typically higher in this group. Due to the variation between studies on CVD and coffee consumption, further work is required to understand the associations in more detail.
Podeu trobar coses interessants a Facts or fiction. El que no és gens bo és l’associació, habitual, cafè amb tabac.