Enric I. Canela
Recomano la lectura d’Interview with an expert in university rankings sphere Dr. Richard Holmes. Està fet per Oleg Solovyev editor del Round Univesity Ranking
Fa algunes recomanacions: For all rankings, the most significant challenge is to find measures of student/graduate quality and teaching quality. This might be done through surveys or through the development of instruments like AHELO. In addition, it might become feasible to tap into the developing social media like LinkedIn.
There are some indicators that measure inputs such as income and teaching resources. It might be interesting to have separate rankings for inputs and outputs such as publications or graduates. Some indicators correlate so closely that they could be removed or at least have their weighting reduced.
Poc aplicables els que es refereixen als estudiants, de moment.
A mi no m’agrada perquè inclou reputació. Tampoc crec amb els indicadors de docència, no són fiables. No crec amb la reputació com a indicador.